2013年6月30日 星期日



故事一  愛的教育比較有效

有個朋友的小孩,原來念一所會打小孩的貴族學校,遲到會被老師打。我都笑朋友錢太多,出錢請人家打自己的寶貝。後來小朋友轉到台北美國學校,一 樣遲到,但是老師一看到他,就緊緊抱住他,跟他說他剛剛好擔心,以為小孩子出什麼狀況才會遲到。朋友的小朋友後來就很喜歡上學,一大早就趕著要上學,盡可 能不要讓愛他的老師擔心。

故事二  沉痛的傷口



同 學回憶起, 他考上台大後,有一次在公園剛好碰到小四打他打得最兇的老師,正好帶著一群小學生來寫生。那位老師看到他,竟然手舞足蹈地跑到他面前,問他記不記得他。同 學告訴我,老師一眼就認出他,而且當時他還穿著高中的制服,制服上有他的名字。可是我的同學一開始就用非常迷惘的眼神看著這位天兵老師,心裡想,他怎麼像 中了頭彩一樣這麼興奮,同學納悶地在心裡轉過好幾個念頭,想著想著,突然想到很不好的意象。


看這位老師奇特的表情, 說 不定這位老師打從心底認為,我的同學可以考上台大是他打出來的功勞,更說不定還常拿他當範例,在學校邀功,鼓吹打小孩子的好處。想到這裡,我的同學已經一 身冷汗,心想絕不能讓他以為打小孩子是對的。所以我的同學決定用很冷、很冷的眼神看著這位天兵老師,一直看到這位老師摸摸鼻子,識趣地走了。同學表示那當 下,他心裡無限感慨,好不容易忘掉兒時的夢靨,平白無故地湧上心頭。


故事三  只要棍子出現,小孩子腦筋一片空白,你說什麼都無法傳達

這 又讓我想起有個朋友的小孩,我是從小看他長大的。後來他去一所小學當老師。過了一陣子,我很高興的請他吃飯。談著談著就講到學校上課的情況,赫然發現長相 斯文的老師會打小孩子。苦口婆心地跟他說,不但教育部規定不能打,而且打沒有用。勸了半天都沒有用,他依然堅持有的小孩子就是欠打,不打不行,而且整個學 校都是這樣打小孩子的,讓我震驚不已。

寫到這 裡,突然想起一位同事說,小孩子剛上小一時,他是學校家長會副會長,又兼班級家長會會長。有一天,班上的家長氣急敗壞地來找他,說看到隔壁、隔壁、隔壁班 的老師打小孩子,要他約校長見面一起反應。結果這位天兵校長居然說,小學一年級這麼小還不懂,還不要打。好像二年級以後就可以打,讓所有家長搖頭不已。

故事是這樣的,後來朋友的小孩,因為任教學校的學生人數減少,造成老師員額過剩,教育局就將他調到一所以教改聞名的新設的國小。這個新設的國小校風開明,學校的老師都不會打小孩子。朋友的小孩轉到新國小服務沒多久,我又找了機會請他吃飯,這下他很高興的告訴我,學 校的老師都不打小孩子,所以他也不敢打小孩子。然後他說,他很快就發現,小孩子要跟她用說的,多說幾次他就知道有些事是不能做的,有些事是要按規定來做 的。他發現以前打小孩子,小孩子只知道老師要處罰他,完全不知道自己做錯什麼事。只要棍子出現,小孩子腦筋一片空白,你說什麼都無法傳達。最後的結論是, 愛的教育才有效!


故事四  碰到天兵老師,不要輕易被擊倒





還給孩子做自己拒絕孩子變罐頭| Facebook

Photo李佳燕醫師: 這是一個清華大學學生給我的照片。他在小學四年級時到美國讀了一年的小學。他剛抵美國時是一個英文字都不認得,他們家的狀況並不允許他有事前的準備。這是他在美國的第一張考試卷,如果照台灣老師改考卷的習慣,這張考卷的分數是:0!!!但是老師給他的評語是:"你好棒!你每一個字的第一個字母都寫對了!你好努力!"這張考卷,這個孩子保存到現在!他的英文現在很棒,因為從小老師給她很大的信心,也開啟了他的學習興趣!我每次看到這張照片,都會有想哭的感覺....非常感慨......

網上流傳的勵志短片 永不放棄

2013年6月11日 星期二








中華民國全國家長教育協會和教育部的宣導計畫,請注意,是 "中華民國全國家長教育協會",不是全家盟!
56場支援10場,因為時間配合上的困難,貢獻度略小於1/6 。

2013年6月1日 星期六

A 114-year-old educational legacy ends

A 114-year-old educational legacy ends
Graduates remember Far Rockaway High School as it ceases to exist
Far Rockaway High School’s 114-year legacy will come to an end as the last graduating class walks across the stage on June 27. The building will be used to house several charter schools.
As Far Rockaway High School prepares for its last graduation on June 27, its alumni seek to remember the final graduating class and the school where they shared their most treasured memories.
The high school at 821 Bay 25th Street is being closed due to a decline in scholastic performance and graduation rates. The closure was announced in 2007. The building will remain open and house multiple charter schools. Among the school’s most notable alumni are three Nobel Prize winners: Baruch Samuel Blumberg, Richard Feynman and Burton Richter, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Congressman William Brunner and former Knicks player John Warren.
Woodmere resident and Class of 1945 graduate, Florence Miller, has wonderful memories from high school and said she saw the handwriting on the wall. “The area has changed so drastically,” she said. “Its one of the worst schools in the city and I figured, well maybe it’s time for it to close.”
During her student days, Miller was involved in the Red Cross, worked in the principal’s office and was in charge of getting advertisements for various school publications. “When I went to the school the area was still good and the school was wonderful,” she said. “It was the best in the world.”
More than 5,000 attended the school’s centennial celebration in 1997. It was there that the Alumni Association formed and members decided to commemorate their alma mater.
Alan ‘Skip’ Weinstock, Class of 1963 and a Concord, Calif. resident, decided to head the group and he bought the domain name, www.farrockaway.com, so alumni could post pictures, stories and reconnect. The website currently boasts more than 6,000 alumni who registered their contact information with Weinstock so their fellow classmates can contact them.
With the news of the high school closing, Marty Nislick, Class of 1962, wanted to do something for the last graduating class so he contacted Weinstock. “He (Nislick) suggested that the Alumni Association honor one of the graduates of the Class of 2011 with a cash scholarship,” Weinstock said. “Originally Nislick suggested $150 but after reaching out to the alumni, we’ll most likely be giving $2,000.”
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Far Rockaway High School’s 114-year legacy will come to an end as the last graduating class walks across the stage on June 27. The building will be used to house several charter schools.
Nislick, a Bayside resident, came up with the idea to honor the last graduating class because he felt it would be something his fellow alumni would like to share in. “It’s a sad occasion, the closing of a great institution,” he said. “I didn’t want to let it go by without recognition.”
When Nislick learned what Weinstock had collected for the scholarship fund, he contacted the high school to see if they would like to honor more than one graduate. Nislick said he spoke with Far Rockaway High School Vice Principal Tuwanna Williams-Gray who said the school would honor more than one student.
Rhonda Glickman, vice president of Sales for Richner Communications, is a Class of 1970 graduate, who had some of her happiest memories in Far Rockaway. The neighborhood she grew up in was diverse and that during her senior year of high school, her male classmates were consumed with worry about being drafted, Glickman said. “You wouldn’t be drafted if you were married or a teacher, so many of the teachers were 23-years-old and male, at the time, to avoid the draft,” she said.
Artist and painter Alli Burman, a Woodmere resident and Class of 1972, said her teachers at Far Rockaway High School paved the way for her future as she first explored the idea of going into oceanography. “My science teacher advised me that science wasn’t the best idea for me,” she said. “That school shaped my life and I feel that I got an incredibly thorough education and wonderful view of my life choices.”
She is shocked and dismayed about the closing of her alma mater and said that the Class of 2011 has a “tremendous burden on their shoulders.”
“Even though they may not feel or understand the legacy they’re leaving, they actually have a debt to pay and that is to ensure that something like this never happens again and that they make the most out of their lives,” Burman said. “I hope they realize that those before them had their lives, careers, hopes and dreams based on Far Rockaway High School and they have a tremendous burden on their shoulders to prove that the closing of the high school doesn’t mean the legacy of Far Rockaway is over.”


看到李佳燕醫師的講稿(詳見下列附件),想起一些小故事。 故事一  愛的教育比較有效 有個朋友的小孩,原來念一所會打小孩的貴族學校,遲到會被老師打。我都笑朋友錢太多,出錢請人家打自己的寶貝。後來小朋友轉到台北美國學校,一 樣遲到,但是老師一看到他,就緊緊抱住他,跟...